2019-11-28: 在欧盟外观设计相关程序中错过期限有无补救办法?

《欧盟外观设计条例》(COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) No 6/2002 of 12 December 2001 on Community designs,以下简称“条例”)第67条规定的权利恢复程序(拉丁文restitutio in integrum,英文re-establishment of rights)为当事方对错过的期限进行补救提供了可能性。
Article 67 Restitutio in integrum
1. The applicant for or holder of a registered Community design or any other party to proceedings before the Office who, in spite of all due care required by the circumstances having been taken, was unable to observe a time limit vis-à-vis the Office shall, upon application, have his rights re-established if the non-observance in question has the direct consequence, by virtue of the provisions of this Regulation, of causing the loss of any rights or means of redress.
2. The application must be filed in writing within two months of the removal of the cause of noncompliance with the time limit. The omitted act must be completed within this period. The application shall only be admissible within the year immediately following the expiry of the unobserved time limit. In the case of non-submission of the request for renewal of registration or of non-payment of a renewal fee, the further period of six months provided for in the second sentence of Article 13(3) shall be deducted from the period of one year.
3. The application must state the grounds on which it is based and must set out the facts on which it relies. It shall not be deemed to be filed until the fee for the re-establishment of rights has been paid.
4. The department competent to decide on the omitted act shall decide upon the application.
5. The provisions of this Article shall not be applicable to the time limits referred to in paragraph 2 and Article 41(1).
6. Where the applicant for or holder of a registered Community design has his rights reestablished, he may not invoke his rights vis-à-vis a third party who, in good faith, in the course of the period between the loss of rights in the application for or registration of the registered Community design and publication of the mention of re-establishment of those rights, has put on the market products in which a design included within the scope of protection of the registered Community design is incorporated or to which it is applied.
7. A third party who may avail himself of the provisions of paragraph 6 may bring third party proceedings against the decision re-establishing the rights of the applicant for or holder of the registered Community design within a period of two months as from the date of publication of the mention of re-establishment of those rights.
8. Nothing in this Article shall limit the right of a Member State to grant restitutio in integrum in respect of time limits provided for in this Regulation and to be complied with vis-à-vis the authorities of such State.
- 根据条例第41(1)条规定的申请欧盟外观设计时要求优先权的六个月期限(不过需要注意的是,《欧盟外观设计实施条例》第8(1)条规定的补充提供在先申请的申请号和补交优先权证明文件的三个月期限是可以适用权利恢复程序的)
- 根据条例第67(2)条规定的提起权利恢复程序的期限,包括提交权利恢复请求的期限(自无法遵守期限的事由被消除之日起两个月内,但不得超过自被错过的期限截止日期后的一年)、完成此前未能按要求在期限内完成的工作的期限(期限计算方法相同)
此外需要注意的是,在欧盟知识产权局前的双方对抗程序中,如果某一当事方提交的事实和理由因其提交时间晚于规定期限截止日期而未被欧盟知识产权局采纳,由于这种情况可能会导致当事方权利丧失的后果,因此也被认为是可以适用权利恢复程序的。这里值得多提一句的是:虽然欧盟外观设计条例第63(2)条("The Office may disregard facts or evidence which are not submitted in due time by the parties concerned")使用的措辞是“may”,也就是说在是否接受迟交证据上,欧盟知识产权局是有一定自由裁量权的,但在实践中,由于在决定接受迟交证据时欧盟知识产权局需要给出相应的理由,而目前欧盟法院就此问题确立的判例法规则又比较模糊(比如,何谓“采纳迟交证据不会与现阶段案件进程相冲突”),因此目前对于迟交证据欧盟知识产权局原则上是不予采纳的。
1. 提起权利恢复程序的期限
2. 费用
3. 语言
4. 证据要求
提出权利恢复请求的当事方必须对其所倚赖的理由和事实加以说明。根据欧盟普通法院的判例法,考虑到权利恢复请求是否能够被接受主要是建立在事实认定的基础之上,因此提交诸如宣誓、经认证的陈述等被认为有相对较强的证明力,而利益相关方或其雇员自行准备的陈述则通常在证明力考察过程中被赋予更少的权重(judgment of 16/06/2015, T-586/13, Gauff THE ENGINEERS WITH THE BROADER VIEW (fig.) / Gauff et al., EU:T:2015:385, § 29)。
最后值得一提的是,上述权利恢复程序在《欧盟商标条例》中也有对应规定(《欧盟商标条例》第104条),适用条件也大体相同。另外,《欧盟商标条例》第105条还规定了一个名为“Continuation of proceedings”的针对错过期限的补救程序,其适用条件相对更加宽松(主要条件是:在原期限届满之日起两个月内提出请求,且提起程序继续请求时此前未能在原期限内完成的工作已被完成),不过该程序无法适用于欧盟外观设计相关程序,敬请注意。
欧盟知识产权局《欧盟外观设计审查指南》对权利恢复程序的具体说明(Part A, Section 8):